Friday, September 2, 2011
Musk - The Definition of Sampling
As always here is a free download, but im also selling it on bandcamp for the heads who appreciate.
26 tracks, all 80 minutes, well worth $12. Click on the link below to buy
Buy "Musk - The Definition of Sampling" on Bandcamp
The concept behind this album is simply the fact that most modern producers take the easy road when producing in order to stack cash and gain notoriety. Rather than make hip hop, the music they make is far from it, if your hip hop then you probably write graffiti, dig in the crates, bboy or at least listen to some real hip hop from the 90s. All of the producers out there now that you hear on the radio or see on mtv, don't exhibit a single trait of someone who is hip hop. Sure everyone still calls it hip hop, and it is widely accepted that that is the new hip hop, but to me i haven't heard hip hop on the radio in a long while.
These modern producers make it look so easy, they shit out 30 beats a day and release an album a month. Nah, Hip Hop is not that easy. it takes hours just to find a sample to flip, hours in the sun and hours inhaling dust just to find a few samples. it takes hours so find your own sound, digging is the only way to have a signature style, if you dig some rare records that you know nobody has sampled than you have something that cant be replicated, whereas if your using virtual instruments or plugins, you are using the same sounds that any other asshole is using. And now most producers just download some vsts, or buy some sound libraries from a guitar center and go home and fill in drum patterns with a mouse on a program or get a midi keyboard and randomly mash key until they come up with something. they don't have any musical knowledge or education on how to play a keyboard. they just need to make as many beats as they can in the shortest amount of time, cause the sooner they finish their Hip Hop Job, the sooner they can shopping for clothes, go make a quick 100k for just showing up at some event or promoting their shit on the view or jay leno, that ain't hip hop. they are abusing hip hop. and most of the masses are happy with the hip hop we get now. its been so long since the golden age that people have given up on real hip hop ever being at the forefront of the scene. I know we are still out there and we are still making real hip hop, hip hop will never die, but none of us are surviving, none of us are acknowledged in the main stream, we have our little internet scene and underground heads know whats up, but its not the same.
Hip hop is not missed enough to come back yet, and there is nothing we can do about that. but fuck it. i will never settle for it, i will never support it, i will always make real hip hop, no matter what. if your agree with what im saying then support the producers you listen to, spread the word, share it or like it, whatever. cause it is rare nowadays to find some simple,sample based hip hop that makes your head nod up and down.
With that said, every sound you hear on this instrumental album is a sample (apart from one track that has some cromo bells that i played myself), Even the album art is sampled from real albums i have, i made this album just like they made hip hop in the 90s, i went digging every weekend, and recorded the tracks at home, hardly any mastering and eq to keep it grimy and am funding the release out of my pocket.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Food - Forever Is A Dream
Whats Up Mofos,
Sorry for the hiatus but i got a new computer since my old one fucked up, but my old sound card is not compatible with my new comp, so i am unable to record any new lps. and i have had no constant access to the Internet so i haven't had any chance to update the blog and the youtube page. but i got internet now and hopefully soon ill be back.
For now ill be posting some lps from some of my favorite blogs and others who share similar needs to share some of our rare music with the blog heads.
This lp come from the legendary Redtelephone66. in my opinion he is the king of rare rock music of all the bloggers out there. no one can even keep up with redtelephone66, in his prime he was posting upwards of 10 rare lp's a day, sadly he has been under the scrutiny of the blogger police and cant really do his thing anymore, but those of us who were in the know still appreciate all the hard work he has done and he will never be forgotten. i will be posting some of my favorites that i discovered from his blog. Although he has been getting hassled up the ass by the blog police he stills keeps up his blog, check it out, it will make you pitch a tent when you see how much vinyl he has in his collection
Cumbia De Julio - New Beat Produced By Musk
Cumbia De Julio by MuskMusic
Here goes a rough draft of a beat i am working on for my next beat tape. just a little preview of what the new beats will sound like. the next beat tape will be mainly latin samples once again. ive tried to stray away from sampling latin stuff since its all i normally use and wanted to get a different sound, but i cant seem to find enough samples when i dig for soul, funk, afro music or psychedelic stuff, and when i do make a beat that i like from a soul sample , i always end up finding out that someone already used it. thats why ive tried to dig for different stuff that most would pass up, for example if i find a dope sample on a record that has a lame ass gay cover, chances are that most other producers passed it up and it hasn't been sampled yet. my next beat tape is gonna have beats sampled from 80's cumbias and salsa. i think its something different and hopefully you mofos like it. peep the beat out and keep your eyes open cause i'll be posting some more lps and the beat tape is coming soon
Here goes a rough draft of a beat i am working on for my next beat tape. just a little preview of what the new beats will sound like. the next beat tape will be mainly latin samples once again. ive tried to stray away from sampling latin stuff since its all i normally use and wanted to get a different sound, but i cant seem to find enough samples when i dig for soul, funk, afro music or psychedelic stuff, and when i do make a beat that i like from a soul sample , i always end up finding out that someone already used it. thats why ive tried to dig for different stuff that most would pass up, for example if i find a dope sample on a record that has a lame ass gay cover, chances are that most other producers passed it up and it hasn't been sampled yet. my next beat tape is gonna have beats sampled from 80's cumbias and salsa. i think its something different and hopefully you mofos like it. peep the beat out and keep your eyes open cause i'll be posting some more lps and the beat tape is coming soon
Friday, May 6, 2011
Beat Battle #4
Juggler Of Music Beat Battle #4 Sample by MuskMusic
Download the sample for the battle below, make your beat and read the submissions rules below.
as far as producing goes there are no regulation or stipulations.
no time limit, no end date, I will continue to post submissions as they come in
-=WAV Download=-
I will post all the submission here. Everybody can listen to the submissions
and leave comments for who you think killed it, who is was wack, give constructive criticism.
discuss some hip hop and so forth, no voting. and I will also be letting you know who I think killed it,
who had the illest drums, illest chops, illest loops and so forth.
And please share the battle with the homies on facebook, twitter or whatever.
But one warning, Hip Hop is something sacred to me, and if I feel that your submissions are not hip hop,
I will not be posting your submissions, if I hear any name dropping, snare rolls or nothing but hand claps instead of snares, basically if it sounds like it belongs on the radio I will not be including it, so be warned.
And before I get the hater card thrown at me, I just need to
say that I do indeed hate this type of hip hop and I believe something that sucks should be hated, so don’t waste our time. we are all about continuing the ethics and methods of making hip hop with samples rather than sound libraries and midi keyboards.
so don’t be surprised to get denied if you come with club beats or any shit that ain’t hip hop
So long as you utilize the sample, you can add other sounds and samples however you want.
Simply email it to at me in any embed format like soundcloud or divshare.
for example if you use soundcloud upload your beat to your account and hit share and then copy the embed html code. and send it to this email address
Make sure to put your alias/monacer or however you are called as the subject of the email
For Example I would put:
"Musk - Beat Battle #4"
as the email subject. if you put anything else in the subject line i will delete it
and you will have to resend. I plan on doing many beat battles and need to be able to differentiate submissions. I plan on adding all the submissions each night, so if you send your submission in the morning
then it will not be on the post until the next morning. Just sit tight and i will try to respond to all the submissions
to let you know its been received or declined.
send all of the following:
- An Mp3 File of your beat
- embed html code of your beat
- a brief bio about yourself/crew
- links to your sites, blogs, youtube, facebook, twitter, e.t.c.
Good Luck, Hope to hear some fresh sounds and I hope this new format works out better than
the Youtube beat battles
S U B M I S S I O N S:
Track 38 - J.O.M beat battle #4 by GEECEEPEE
N-Fidell the Enemy
N-Fidell the Enemy(Michael Howard)...31 years old...sample-based style production(Hip Hop)...producing for over 10 years...sold tracks here and there, but do it mostly for the love of the Art...independent...Chicago (South Suburbs, Cook County)
Maria by N-Fidell the Enemy
25 Years young,makin Beats from time to time since late 2009.
Everest. 19-year old hiphop producer from Hungary. Lovin' diggin in crates ! Mainly influenced by Premo, The RZA, Kno, Alchemist.
diggin' by Everest.
Marlow C
Marlow C been making beats for a long time. I Sold CD's at Tower Record B4 they went outa business. I keep crate diggin for new inspiration. Working on a Hiphop Album right now with me on the mic be on the look out. for some of my work and rare hiphop.
my name is ten4. 21 years old. representing russian underground. peace from moscow
my youtube channel :
soundcloud :
Beat battle #4 by realtenfour
Peanutsmusic- Maria y federico by PeanutsMusic
Equon 17 years old beamaker from san diego classic production metod
producing since 2007 with Lp's,turntables,etc and making a new project called The L.c.t
influences The rza,stoupe,dj premier,pete rock, and many more!
Equon - Beat Battle 4 by djequon
Metamorpho - 19 years beatmaker from Republic of Moldova
Metamorpho by Metamorpho_beats
18 years old , been making beats almost a year!!! jazz music is my soul and I use fl studio 8 for my productions... peace
influences - premo, buckwild, sound providers, lord finesse, 9th wonder, Damu, Nick Wiz, E boogie, Neckclippa and many more!!!
Beat Battle 4 by chucho714
Hi my name is Caligari, I´m 20 years old and from Leipzig in Germany.
I´m mainly influenced by the RZA, Premo, Pete Rock, Madlib etc.
My Youtube Channel
Beatbattle 4 for Juggler of Music by Dr.Caligari
My name is Simon, i'm 23 years old and i'm from Finland. i've been doing beats since 2008. I mostly use my MPC 2500 to create my stuff. you can find my beats in youtube and myspace by searching CeeMon.
link to youtube channel:
link to Myspace :
BeatBattle 4 by CeeMon
Mr. Organix
I m a 28 years old guy from Karlsruhe, Germany, I am creating hip hop beats in my free time, collecting records, and doing Dj-ing. I produce my beats on a akai mpc2500 for about 4 years. everything is not professional because I spend most of my time working as a chemist.
Contribution Beat Battle #4 (Mr. Organix) by Mr. Organix
I´m a DJ, Beatmaker and MC from Tenerife (Canary Islands). I have 31 years and I've been half djing and collecting vinyls, making Rap and beats.
All my support to those who keep it real.
Sudakillah - Beat Battle #4 Sample by Sudakillah
Robert Butler
My name is Robert Butler, but most people call me butler... I'm 18 and started making beats about a year ago..
Also I'm from Santa Ana so shout out to chucho714... my groups blog is, we just started so theres only 2 posts there
Beat 93 (Beat Battle #4) by butler714
Yo im Derek and im from Columbus, Ohio. I been makin beats for almost two years on and off. I been comin to this blog for a few months and I def. appreciate what you doin. You got some crazy records bro. peace
my soundcloud is
Juggler Beat Battle by DDAY
Download the sample for the battle below, make your beat and read the submissions rules below.
as far as producing goes there are no regulation or stipulations.
no time limit, no end date, I will continue to post submissions as they come in
-=WAV Download=-
I will post all the submission here. Everybody can listen to the submissions
and leave comments for who you think killed it, who is was wack, give constructive criticism.
discuss some hip hop and so forth, no voting. and I will also be letting you know who I think killed it,
who had the illest drums, illest chops, illest loops and so forth.
And please share the battle with the homies on facebook, twitter or whatever.
But one warning, Hip Hop is something sacred to me, and if I feel that your submissions are not hip hop,
I will not be posting your submissions, if I hear any name dropping, snare rolls or nothing but hand claps instead of snares, basically if it sounds like it belongs on the radio I will not be including it, so be warned.
And before I get the hater card thrown at me, I just need to
say that I do indeed hate this type of hip hop and I believe something that sucks should be hated, so don’t waste our time. we are all about continuing the ethics and methods of making hip hop with samples rather than sound libraries and midi keyboards.
so don’t be surprised to get denied if you come with club beats or any shit that ain’t hip hop
So long as you utilize the sample, you can add other sounds and samples however you want.
Simply email it to at me in any embed format like soundcloud or divshare.
for example if you use soundcloud upload your beat to your account and hit share and then copy the embed html code. and send it to this email address
Make sure to put your alias/monacer or however you are called as the subject of the email
For Example I would put:
"Musk - Beat Battle #4"
as the email subject. if you put anything else in the subject line i will delete it
and you will have to resend. I plan on doing many beat battles and need to be able to differentiate submissions. I plan on adding all the submissions each night, so if you send your submission in the morning
then it will not be on the post until the next morning. Just sit tight and i will try to respond to all the submissions
to let you know its been received or declined.
send all of the following:
- An Mp3 File of your beat
- embed html code of your beat
- a brief bio about yourself/crew
- links to your sites, blogs, youtube, facebook, twitter, e.t.c.
Good Luck, Hope to hear some fresh sounds and I hope this new format works out better than
the Youtube beat battles
S U B M I S S I O N S:
Track 38 - J.O.M beat battle #4 by GEECEEPEE
N-Fidell the Enemy
N-Fidell the Enemy(Michael Howard)...31 years old...sample-based style production(Hip Hop)...producing for over 10 years...sold tracks here and there, but do it mostly for the love of the Art...independent...Chicago (South Suburbs, Cook County)
Maria by N-Fidell the Enemy
25 Years young,makin Beats from time to time since late 2009.
Everest. 19-year old hiphop producer from Hungary. Lovin' diggin in crates ! Mainly influenced by Premo, The RZA, Kno, Alchemist.
diggin' by Everest.
Marlow C
Marlow C been making beats for a long time. I Sold CD's at Tower Record B4 they went outa business. I keep crate diggin for new inspiration. Working on a Hiphop Album right now with me on the mic be on the look out. for some of my work and rare hiphop.
my name is ten4. 21 years old. representing russian underground. peace from moscow
my youtube channel :
soundcloud :
Beat battle #4 by realtenfour
Peanutsmusic- Maria y federico by PeanutsMusic
Equon 17 years old beamaker from san diego classic production metod
producing since 2007 with Lp's,turntables,etc and making a new project called The L.c.t
influences The rza,stoupe,dj premier,pete rock, and many more!
Equon - Beat Battle 4 by djequon
Metamorpho - 19 years beatmaker from Republic of Moldova
Metamorpho by Metamorpho_beats
18 years old , been making beats almost a year!!! jazz music is my soul and I use fl studio 8 for my productions... peace
influences - premo, buckwild, sound providers, lord finesse, 9th wonder, Damu, Nick Wiz, E boogie, Neckclippa and many more!!!
Beat Battle 4 by chucho714
Hi my name is Caligari, I´m 20 years old and from Leipzig in Germany.
I´m mainly influenced by the RZA, Premo, Pete Rock, Madlib etc.
My Youtube Channel
Beatbattle 4 for Juggler of Music by Dr.Caligari
My name is Simon, i'm 23 years old and i'm from Finland. i've been doing beats since 2008. I mostly use my MPC 2500 to create my stuff. you can find my beats in youtube and myspace by searching CeeMon.
link to youtube channel:
link to Myspace :
BeatBattle 4 by CeeMon
Mr. Organix
I m a 28 years old guy from Karlsruhe, Germany, I am creating hip hop beats in my free time, collecting records, and doing Dj-ing. I produce my beats on a akai mpc2500 for about 4 years. everything is not professional because I spend most of my time working as a chemist.
Contribution Beat Battle #4 (Mr. Organix) by Mr. Organix
I´m a DJ, Beatmaker and MC from Tenerife (Canary Islands). I have 31 years and I've been half djing and collecting vinyls, making Rap and beats.
All my support to those who keep it real.
Sudakillah - Beat Battle #4 Sample by Sudakillah
Robert Butler
My name is Robert Butler, but most people call me butler... I'm 18 and started making beats about a year ago..
Also I'm from Santa Ana so shout out to chucho714... my groups blog is, we just started so theres only 2 posts there
Beat 93 (Beat Battle #4) by butler714
Yo im Derek and im from Columbus, Ohio. I been makin beats for almost two years on and off. I been comin to this blog for a few months and I def. appreciate what you doin. You got some crazy records bro. peace
my soundcloud is
Juggler Beat Battle by DDAY
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Beat Battle #3
Beat Battle #3 Sample by MuskMusic
Beat Battle #3
Flip this sample, upload your beat to youtube and send it to me in a youtube message.
my youtube page is
Download a High Quality mp3 of the sample here.
i will post all beat submissions in the youtube Playlist below.
and will also be posting submissions here, since youtube blocked the audio from the video.
No more posting video responses, as that didn't work out to well last time.
i think it will be better to have a playlist of all the submissions, that we can all share on Facebook and other social networks to spread the word around about these beat battles.
- As long as you use this sample mainly, You can add any other samples you want .
- Keep your submissions short. 3 Minutes Maximum.
- The deadline to submit is December 27, 2010. No exceptions, last time around some people submitted late and complained about not having enough time. everybody has two weeks , fair is fair.
The deadline to submit is December 27, 2010.
then the voting period will begin.
same as last time around, you will choose your top three beat submissions and rank them 1st-3rd place. i will post the voting form when voting begins.
if you submit a beat, you must vote, but you cant vote for yourself. the winner will be determined on points
1st place - 5 pts
2nd place - 3pts
3rd place - 1 pt.
The winner will receive a spot to post any video promoting their music on my page and also a post on the blog for your music or album, whatever you want to promote your music.
Please post and share the beat battle with your friends on facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.
last time around we had more submissions then voters. get your homies to come thru and vote and comment.
Beat Battle #3
Flip this sample, upload your beat to youtube and send it to me in a youtube message.
my youtube page is
Download a High Quality mp3 of the sample here.
i will post all beat submissions in the youtube Playlist below.
and will also be posting submissions here, since youtube blocked the audio from the video.
No more posting video responses, as that didn't work out to well last time.
i think it will be better to have a playlist of all the submissions, that we can all share on Facebook and other social networks to spread the word around about these beat battles.
- As long as you use this sample mainly, You can add any other samples you want .
- Keep your submissions short. 3 Minutes Maximum.
- The deadline to submit is December 27, 2010. No exceptions, last time around some people submitted late and complained about not having enough time. everybody has two weeks , fair is fair.
The deadline to submit is December 27, 2010.
then the voting period will begin.
same as last time around, you will choose your top three beat submissions and rank them 1st-3rd place. i will post the voting form when voting begins.
if you submit a beat, you must vote, but you cant vote for yourself. the winner will be determined on points
1st place - 5 pts
2nd place - 3pts
3rd place - 1 pt.
The winner will receive a spot to post any video promoting their music on my page and also a post on the blog for your music or album, whatever you want to promote your music.
Please post and share the beat battle with your friends on facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.
last time around we had more submissions then voters. get your homies to come thru and vote and comment.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
~ S h r oo m s O n V i n y l 2 ~

Two Options To Download At Your Convenience
-=Mediafire Download=-
-=FileServe Download=-
Shrooms On Vinyl 2 Will Be Available On CD Shortly, As Soon As The Cd's Are Finished,
Info On Obtaining Them Will Be Posted.
The Second Installment (So Far) In The Shrooms On Vinyl Series.
A Tribute To The Psychedelic Era.
For The People Who Have ComeTo Appreciate The Drug Culture And What It Has Done For Us And For Music Especially.
On This Compilation I Have Sampled, Compiled And Mixed Together Hippie/Psychedelic Music That Was Probably Written And Recorded Under The Influence Of Psychedelic Drugs And Inspired By The Use Of Psychedelic Substances,
And Was Intended To Enhance Ones Experience On A Psychedelic Trip.
Take Some Drugs And Play This Music, It Will Go Good With Your Trip Guaranteed.
-= Head Phones And Head Change Recommended While Listening To This Compilation =-
01 - Ever Since I Heard It
02 - Floating In A Van Down By The River
03 - Psylocera - Prod. By Musk
04 - Things That Are More Beautiful Pt. 2
05 - Even Never
06 - Organic Mixture
07 - PalmHead
08 - The Day Today - Prod. By Musk
09 - Flying Through The Heavens
10 - SloozeBerry Interlude
11 - And Matheson
12 - Spliff Sound - Prod. By Frank The Tank
13 - Mushrooms On Monday - Prod. By Musk
14 - Head Shop Phonograph
15 - Smells Like Drugs
16 - Round And Asquare - Prod. By Frank The Tank
17 - I Have To Jump On Your Back
18 - Locked In Our Vices
19 - Slowly
20 - Swirls Into Silence
21 - Wooden Pipes
22 - Shady Tree Rehab Asylum
23 - The Point
Covers And Designs By Musk
All Tracks Compiled & Mixed By Musk - For More Info & More Music Go To - Musk
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Choky Avellanet - Un Beso No Cambia La Vida
Nice Surprise. Wasn't expecting to find any funky drums on this one. peep the short little break on un dia maria. and check out the track - Don Jose De La Lluvia. super funky stuff.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
i recently have been getting accused of being a downloader and not a real crate digger.
i need to clear up any confusion about this matter or i won't be able to sleep good.
i cant have fools putting me on blast about that type of stuff.
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